Figure 8.
Transverse slices of kidneys'. Various pre- postfiltered in FBP reconstruction were applied with different effects on the images Filters used were (a) prefilter Hanning (cut-off 0.8 cm−1), postfilter Ramp. (b) prefilter Butterworth (cut-off 0.5 cm−1 power value 10), postfilter Ramp. (c) prefilter Butterworth (cut-off 0.8 cm−1, power value 10), postfilter Ramp. (d) only Ramp prefilter applied—no other smoothing filter. (e) prefilter Ramp, postfilter Hanning (cut off 0.8 cm−1) (f) prefilter Ramp, postfilter Butterworth (cut-off 0.8 cm−1, power value 10). Study has been completed in Radiation Physics Unit, Department of Radiology, University of Athens.