Fig. 7.
The aerolysin secretion-negative phenotype of A. hydrophila gspA is partially complemented by expression of V. cholerae gspAB in trans. The amount of aerolysin secreted upon expression of gspABVc and gspABAh in wild-type (Ah65) and gspA (C5.84) A. hydrophila was determined at various stages of growth (indicated by the OD600). The strains used were Ah65 (♦), Ah65 gspABVc (■), Ah65 gspABVc induced with 0.1 mM IPTG (▴), C5.84 (), C5.84 gspABVc (
), C5.84 gspABVc induced with 0.1 mM IPTG (●), C5.84 gspABAh (
), and C5.84 gspABAh induced with 0.1 mM IPTG (
). The results shown are representative of those obtained in multiple experiments.