Fig. 2.
Binding of MrpC2 and FruA to the fmgE promoter region. (A) Effects of mutations in the fmgE promoter region on fmgE-lacZ expression in vivo and on MrpC2 and FruA binding in vitro. (Top) Summary of the effects of four mutations on developmental fmgE-lacZ expression (55). The mutations are shown, and the numbers indicate the maximum β-galactosidase activity during development, expressed as a percentage of the maximum activity observed for the wild-type promoter. (Bottom) EMSAs with 32P-labeled fmgE DNA (2 nM) spanning from positions −100 to −25 and His10-MrpC2 (1 μM), FruA-His6 (3 μM), or both His10-MrpC2 (1 μM) and FruA-His6 (3 μM), as indicated. The probe DNA had the wild-type (WT) sequence or the indicated mutation. The filled arrowhead points to the shifted complex produced by His10-MrpC2 alone, and the open arrowhead points to the complex produced by FruA-His6 alone. (B) Summary of binding sites for MrpC2 and FruA in the fmgE promoter region. The approximate location and relative positions of MrpC2 and FruA at sites 1, 2, and 3 are deduced from the effects of 5′-end deletions, the mutations shown in panel A, and 3′-end deletions, respectively, on binding in vitro, as explained in the text. The position of MrpC2 binding alone, depicted upstream of position +50, is less precisely known but lies between positions −25 and +50.