Fig. 6.
Relative affinities of MrpC2, and the combination of MrpC2 and FruA, for sites 1, 2, and 3 in the fmgE promoter region. (A) Binding of MrpC2 to sites 1, 2, and 3. EMSAs with 32P-labeled fmgE DNA (2 nM) spanning from positions −147 to −80 (site 1), from positions −100 to −25 (site 2), or from positions −25 to +116 (site 3) and His10-MrpC2 at decreasing concentrations (1, 0.5, 0.25, and 0.125 μM). The asterisk denotes a band observed in lanes 9 to 12, which was also observed in the absence of His10-MrpC2 (data not shown), and therefore appears to be a minor contaminant of this probe preparation rather than a shifted complex. (B) Binding of MrpC2 and FruA to sites 1, 2, and 3. EMSAs with 32P-labeled fmgE DNA and His10-MrpC2 at decreasing concentrations, as shown in panel A, and with FruA-His6 (3 μM).