Elp3 association with the GAL1 ORF is partially dependent on Htz1. Results of ChIP assays are shown as in Fig. 4. (A) ChIP analysis of Spt5-HA at the GAL1 locus in wild-type HTZ1 (MSY2304) and htz1Δ (MSY2305) strains. Black bars, cells before galactose induction; gray bars, cells after 1 h of galactose induction. (B) ChIP analysis of Elp3-HA at the GAL1 locus in HTZ1 wild-type (MSY2301) and htz1Δ (MSY2302) strains. The results shown are representative of five independent experiments. Black bars, cells before galactose induction; cross-hatched bars, cells 30 min after galactose induction; gray bars, cells after 1 h of galactose induction. (C) Elp3 and Spt5 levels as assayed by Western blotting are comparable in htz1Δ and wild-type (WT) strains. Nuclear extracts were prepared from the same strains used in the ChIP analyses. The untagged strain is MSY590. Blots were first probed with 12CA5 antibody against the HA epitope, then stripped and probed with antibody against glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase as the loading control. α, anti.