Fig. 3.
GI pathologies in knockout mice. (A) Postnatal mortality in smBrg1 knockout mice. Of 17 smBrg1KO mice that were alive at 1 month of age, only approximately 50% survived to 10 months of age, compared to 95% of control mice (36 mice, including a mix of gloBrg1Het, smBrg1Het, and WT mice). (B) Some smBrg1 knockout mice develop enlarged colon, cecum, ileum, and jejunum after 4 to 6 months. (C) H&E staining of cross sections of proximal colon from a 6-month-old smBrg1 knockout mouse exhibiting megacolon and a Brg1 heterozygous littermate control mouse. (D) All smBrg1KO/Brm heterozygous mice (Brg1f/− smMHC-Cre−/+ Brm−/+) developed enlarged intestines after 1 month. (E) H&E staining of cross sections of proximal colon from 1-month-old smBrg1KO/Brm heterozygous mice and littermate Brg1/Brm heterozygous control mice. (F) Stomach, intestine, and bladder were dilated in all neonatal smBrg1/Brm double knockout mice (the example shown is from neonatal day 7). (G) H&E staining of cross sections of proximal colon from smBrg1/Brm double knockout (Brg1f/− smMHC-Cre+/− Brm−/−) and control Brg1Het/Brm knockout (Brg1f/− smMHC-Cre−/− Brm−/−) mice.