Dose- and time-dependent activation of TRPA1 by CFA1, DEP, and ethanol extracts of DEP. (A) TRPA1-overexpressing cells were treated with CFA1, DEP (black smoker) and DEP-EtOH (black smoker) with in-well concentrations of 0.077, 0.24, and 0.77 mg/ml or equivalent ethanol extract concentrations. Data from the 2 min time point are represented as the mean and SEM of at least 3 separate treatment wells. (B) TRPA1-overexpressing cells were treated with DEP (black smoker), DEP (SRM 2975), and DEP-EtOH (black smoker) using an in-well concentration of 0.77 mg/ml for up to 5 min with measurements taken at 30 s intervals. Data are represented as the mean and SEM of at least 3 separate treatment wells.