Table 2.
Differential diagnostic of WM (20)
Differential diagnostic | Characteristic features |
SMZL | CD22, CD11c overexpressed with SMZL, whereas CD25 was more common in WM(88% vs. 44%). Loss of 7q along with +3q and +5q in SMZL |
IgM-MGUS | No morphologic evidence of bone marrow infiltration at trephine biopsy however possible detectable bone marrow clonal B cells by flow cytometry 6q-suggested marker to distinguish WM from IgM-MGUS |
IgM-MM | Pure plasma cell morphology in myeloma and presence of lytic bone lesions in myeloma |
B-cell CLL | Lymphocytes typically small and mature, without visible nucleoli, and smudge cells Lymphocytes in CLL are positive for CD5 and CD23 |
Mantle cell lymphoma | Bone marrow infiltration by monomorphous small-medium lymphoid cells, with irregular nuclei and presence of involves lymphonodes, and extranodal sites such as gastro-intestinal tract and spleen and t(11;14) (q13;q32) |