ApoA-I deficiency results in redistribution of apoA-II and larger HDL particles. A: HDL particle size and apolipoprotein distribution among HDL species were analyzed by nondenaturing 5-15% PAGE. To detect HDL particle size, 5 or 10 μl plasma from two-, four-, or six-month-old WT or Apoa1−/− mice were prestained with Sudan Black B. ApoA-I, apoA-II, apoE, apoA-IV, and apoC-II protein distribution among HDL species was detected with specific antisera following Western blot. B: Cholesterol profiles in plasma lipoproteins were analyzed using a dual detection HPLC system. C: Isolated HPLC fractions of 4 μl pooled plasma were separated by SDS-PAGE, and apoA-II protein was determined by Western blot analysis. Line 1: Two-month-old WT mice. Line 2: Two-month-old Apoa1−/− mice. Line 3: Six-month-old Apoa1−/− mice.