Figure 3.
Developmental defects in brains from hauspFL/FL; nes-cre knockout mice. (a) Embryos collected at day E18.5 from breeding between hauspFL/FL mice and hauspFL/+; nes-cre mice are shown. The control hauspFL/FL embryo is on the left (arrow). The hauspFL/FL; nes-cre embryo (right) showed flattened forebrain (arrow head), forming almost a right angle at the midbrain junction (asterisk). (b) Dorsal and (c) lateral views of dissected brains from the control embryo (arrow) and the hauspFL/FL; nes-cre embryo (arrowhead) at day E18.5. The cortex of hauspFL/FL; nes-cre brain was much smaller than that of the control brain. Development of cerebellum was largely missing in brains from the hauspFL/FL; nes-cre mice (asterisk) compared with the cerebellum in the control brain (arrow). (d–g) Sagittal sections of the control (d and f) and the hauspFL/FL; nes-cre (e and g) brains are shown. The brain from hauspFL/FL; nes-cre showed reduced cell density in cortex and formation of large cavity (triangle; e) compared with the control brain (d). In addition, the brain from the hauspFL/FL; nes-cre mouse showed no development of cerebellum at the midline (asterisk; g) compared with the control brain (arrow; f)