Figure 7. Plot of protein binding density ratio versus electrochemical signal.
EndoIII mutants (Y82A (green), Y75A (purple), WT (red), Y82F (blue), W178A (orange)) binding density ratios obtained for the mixture of mismatched and matched strands are plotted against electrochemical signals. Mutants that are CT-deficient show low binding density ratios and do not redistribute onto the mismatched strand, while those with particularly high coupling to the DNA electrochemically (albeit with a high uncertainty in the measurement) show high binding density ratios. For Table of Contents Use Only Mutants of the Base Excision Repair Glycosylase, Endonuclease III: DNA CT as a First Step in Lesion Detection Christine A. Romano, Pamela A. Sontz, and Jacqueline K. Barton*