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. 2001 Mar 27;2:1. doi: 10.1186/1471-2296-2-1

Table 2.

Practices, facilitators, project topics and outcomes

Practice Name (List Local Health Facilitator PPDP Process (number of participants per PPDP Topic
Size) Group (Health workshop in brackets) Outcomes
North Cardiff Medical Cardiff (BroTaf) NHS-SCW 5 PPDP sessions: 2 extended group Management of COPD and leadership development.
Centre (13,000) meetings (31,27), one visit to neighbouring Established a COPD register using British Thoracic Society protocol.
practice (16) and two core group meetings Improvement of the team's knowledge and skills in COPD and development of
(8,9). clinical leadership within the practice.
Ynysangharad Surgery Rhondda Cynon NHS-SCW 5 PPDP sessions: 4 extended group Improvement of patient waiting and time management.
(2,850) Taf (Bro Taf) meetings (11,10,10,11), one practice group Computerised appointments and patient call system. Efficiency gains for
meeting (8). patient management and access.
Pontcae Surgery (9,430) MerthyrTydfil NHS-SCW 3 PPDP sessions: 3 core group meetings Planning processes discussed by partners and manager.
(BroTaf) (5,6,6). Increased knowledge regarding strategic planning and policy development that
led to the establishment of clinical leadership within the practice and an
acceptance of the need to work with differing leadership styles.
Stanwell Road Health Vale of NHS-SCW 1 PPDP session: extended group meeting Project suspended because of staff illness: no topic chosen
Centre (9,157) Glamorgan (Bro (22).
Kings Road Surgery Cardiff ((Bro Taf) NHS-SCW 5 PPDP sessions: 3 core group meetings (7, Clinical data management.
(5,650) sponsored) 7,7), and two visits to neighbouring practices. Direct entry of systematised data regarding clinical processes within
consultations. Improved data management and use of audit and feedback
techniques to improve clinical systems.
MeddygfaTeilo (9,000) Carmarthenshire NHS-SCW 5 PPDP sessions: 3 extended group Enhancement of information standardisation and team use of clinical database.
(Dyfed Powys) meetings (22,16,16), one core group (9) and Improvement of existing high quality information management systems by
one visit to neighbouring practice. provision of training in data quality and management for all members of the
Tan-y-Fron (5,500) Ceredigion Pi 5 PPDP sessions: 4 extended group Improvement of a repeat prescribing system.
(Dyfed Powys) Associates meetings (12,12,13,11) and one core group Organisation-wide protocol agreed to improve the effectiveness and safety of
(3) meeting. the repeat prescribing system, linked to the introduction of weekly meetings
involving practice-based and Community Trust staff.
Winch Lane Surgery Pembrokeshire NHS-SCW 5 PPDP sessions: 3 core group meetings Application for Quality Practice Award.
(12,800) (Dyfed Powys) (6,8,9) and two sessions providing personal Development of specified quality systems to meet the Quality Practice Award
evaluation feedback to participants. criteria and assessment of the leadership styles and team roles of selected
LlanfairCaereinion Powys (Dyfed Pi 5 PPDP sessions: 3 extended group Development of practice integration and communication
(4,800) Powys) Associates meetings (24,19,24) and two core group Outcomes: Introduced regular non-medical staff meetings, and Partner and
meetings (5,5). Practice Manager meetings. Appointing a new General Manager
Morrison Road Surgery Neath Port Talbot Hammond 4 PPDP sessions: 4 extended group Generic organisational development discussions.
(4,600) (Morgannwg) Irvine meetings (11,11,11,11). Developed ideas for the future of the practice and designed ways to improve
staff management and training. Efficiency gains and improved patient access
by modifying the appointment systems.
Victoria Road Surgery Bridgend Pi 5 PPDP sessions: 3 practice group meetings Search for solution to lack of space and high workload.
(2,400) (Morgannwg) Associates (9,9,9) and two core group meetings (2,2). Multiprofessional involvement in problem solving. Solutions identified (new
premises and enhanced roles for primary care staff) but no follow up support
from health authority.
Gower Group Practice Swansea NHS-SCW 4 PPDP sessions: 4 extended group Enhancement of information management systems
(6,255) (Morgannwg) meetings (14,14,12,12). Structured data collection systems designed in two clinical areas (diabetes and
contraception) and attention given to high-risk patients identified by data audits.
Kinmel Avenue Surgery Conwy (N Wales) NHS-SCW 5 PPDP sessions: 1 extended group Practice computerisation.
(13,500) meetings (23), two core group (9,7) and two Skills development for both clinical and ancillary staff and clinicians and
visits to neighbouring practice. significant enhancement of the use of information technology and
communication within the organisation.
Bronyffynnon Surgery Denbighshire (N NHS-SCW 5 PPDP sessions: 3 extended group Improvement of practice premises.
(5,200) Wales) meetings (16,14,14), two core group A commissioned architectural audit of the current and potential facilities leading
consultation with architect. to a collaborative approach to the development of improved use of space for
clinical processes.
Caerffynnon Surgery Gwynedd (N NHS-SCW 5 PPDP sessions: 5 extended group Care pathway for patients with terminal illness.
(4,800) Wales) meetings (12,12,12,12,12). Development of a whole team understanding of cancer care via case history
reviews and patient pathway mapping which led to planned sessions of specific
training and skills development.
Regent Street Health Wrexham (N McEwen 3 PPDP sessions: 3 extended group Generic organisational development and protocol development.
Centre (8,150) Wales) meetings (13,13,13). Increased emphasis on developing collaborative practice systems and
improved communication between team members to develop specific clinical
Cambria Surgery (5,200) Ynys Mon (N McEwen 2 PPDP sessions: 2 extended group Coronary heart disease and hormone replacement clinics.
Wales) meetings (17,15). Patient cohorts identified in order to implement a proactive system of
information provisions (patient leaflets), triaged contact, improvement in data
collection and internal communication.
Padeswood Road (5800) Flintshire (N McEwen 3 PPDP sessions: 2 extended group Improved practice communication and time management.
Wales) meetings (16,16) and one visit to Regular practice meetings introduced and patient liaison group established.
neighbouring practice. Staff attendance at stress management course and the introduction of a
counselling service to selected bereaved patients.
Chippenham Surgery Monmouth NHS-SCW 5 PPDP sessions: 5 extended group Multiprofessional collaboration to develop intermediate care proposal.
(11,000) (Gwent) meetings (92,92,14,9,12). Development of a multiprofessional collaboration to establish an intermediate
care proposal, integrating health and social care in Gwent.
Cwmbran Surgery Torfaen (Gwent) Internal 3 PPDP sessions: 3 extended group Care pathway for diabetes mellitus
(6,800) meetings (16,10,10). Development of a multiprofessional pathway for the management of chronic
disease and identification of training needs.
Glan-yr-Afon Surgery Blaenau Gwent None PPDP process not initiated
(3,564) (Gwent)
Ty Bryn Surgery (10, Caerphilly None PPDP process not initiated
561) (Gwent)
Bellevue Surgery (11, Newport (Gwent) None PPDP process not initiated

key for PPDP sessions (one session approximately equivalent to 3-4 hours) E Extended General practitioners, employed staff plus others, for example, Community Nurses and Health Visitors, Community Pharmacists, Social Workers, Occupational and Physiotherapists. P Practice General practitioners and employed orattached staff based in the practice. C Core General practitioners, Practice Manager and Practice Nurse. (Pi Associates, NHS Staff College Wales (NHS-SCW), Hammond and Irvine and Ewan McEwen are the organisations that provided the PPDP facilitation skills.