Figure 6.
The ratio of force transmitted longitudinally through tension within the endomysium from a terminating fiber to peak isometric force that can be generated in a fiber of the same cross-sectional area, plotted against the ratio of fiber resting length to fascicle length (A). λ, the ratio of fiber length at equilibrium to fiber resting length (B). From equation ( it is clear that λ is a function of , the ratio of fiber resting length to fascicle length, and Cend, endomysium tensile modulus. Endomysium tensile modulus (Cend) was varied from 1kPa to 100kPa. This range was chosen to encompass the range of estimates for the tensile modulus of the endomysium available in the literature (Table 1). The shaded region highlights the physiologically relevant range of values for based on the literature, cited in Table 1.