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. 2011 Jan;3(1):1–11. doi: 10.5249/jivr.v3i1.55

Table 5.

Responses for Leaders and Managers that reported < 40% Somewhat or Not Very Important (119 item survey)

Survey Section N % Somewhat or Not Very Important % Confident % Difference

Role Specific Indicators: Planning
For State’s lab: Summarize procedures for arranging analysis of a specimen at CDC labs. 10 57% 30% 27%
Design a plan to secure resources not available as part of the Strategic National Stock pile. 19 42% 26% 16%
Role Specific Indicators: Direct Patient Care
Summarize the impact of a mass casualty event on your ability to maintain your current patient care responsibilities. 16 41% 27% 14%
Provide appropriate care for challenged/vulnerable persons during a wide-scale event (i.e., aged, pregnant women, disabled). 15 47% 20% 27%
Role Specific Indicators: Laboratory Science/Pathology
Summarize written policies and procedures for rapid specimen identification and reporting. 16 53% 0% 53%
Correlate type of specimen to appropriate level of laboratory required for specimen receipt and analysis. 16 63% 0% 63%
Identify where to get information about post mortem care precautions for mass casualties and/or those killed by chemical or biologic agents. 17 41% 29% 12%
Describe the ethical, legal, cultural, and safety issues related to handling and storage of the dead in a large-scale disaster. 17 47% 18% 29%
Role Specific Indicators: Cultural Responsiveness
Describe the impact of restricted funeral procedures on varied cultural groups. 17 41% 24% 17%
Role Specific Indicators: Border (Binational/Bilingual) Competencies
Describe epidemiological processes, as identified in your cross-border binational plan, used to investigate disease outbreaks in a binational manner 17 41% 6% 35%
Demonstrate the ability to conduct an interview as part of a binational epidemiological investigation in both languages, if necessary 17 53% 24% 29%
Assess the existing bilingual language skills/abilities of a group of learners 17 41% 18% 23%