Organic Chemical |
Conjugates or complexes in which the larger component cannot be categorized more specifically than ST Organic Chemical and another component is assigned a descendant of Organic Chemical (except for ST Organophosphorous Compound) should be assigned only ST Organic Chemical. |
Nucleic Acid, Nucleoside, or Nucleotide |
Conjugates or complexes in which the larger component is a nucleic acid, nucleoside, or nucleotide and the smaller component cannot be categorized more specifically than ST Organic Chemical should be assigned only ST Nucleic Acid, Nucleoside, or Nucleotide. |
Amino Acid, Peptide, or Protein |
Conjugates or complexes in which the larger component is an amino acid, peptide, or protein and the smaller component cannot be categorized more specifically than ST Organic Chemical should be assigned only ST Amino Acid, Peptide, or Protein. |
Carbohydrate |
Conjugates or complexes in which the larger component is a carbohydrate and the smaller component cannot be categorized more specifically than ST Organic Chemical should be assigned only ST Carbohydrate. |
Lipid |
Conjugates or complexes in which the larger component is a lipid and the smaller component cannot be categorized more specifically than ST Organic Chemical should be assigned only ST Lipid. |
Organophosphorous Compound |
Conjugates or complexes in which one component cannot be categorized more specifically than ST Organic Chemical and the other component contains phosphorous should be assigned ST Organophosphorous Compound. This rule does not depend on the sizes of the components. |
Steroid |
Conjugates or complexes in which one component is assigned ST Steroid and the other component is assigned ST Lipid should be assigned only ST Steroid. This rule does not depend on the sizes of the components. |
Eicosanoid |
Conjugates or complexes in which one component is assigned ST Eicosanoid and the other component is assigned ST Lipid should be assigned only ST Lipid. This rule does not depend on the sizes of the components. |