Figure 5. Relation between EZH2 and p27 expression in vivo.
A Box plots of nuclear and cytoplasmatic p27 protein expression in colon adenomas and carcinomas (G1–G3). Expression levels of nuclear p27 were significantly lower in carcinomas than in adenomas (p = 0.026), cytoplasmic p27 levels showed a similar trend, which, however, was not statistically significant (p = 0.173). Differences for p27 expression between G1, G2, and G3 carcinomas were not significant. B Immunohistochemical staining of paired samples of colon cancers did not reveal a significant correlation between EZH2 and p27 expression levels. Examples of 4 different cancers (I–IV) stained for EZH2 (upper panels) and p27 (lower panels), respectively. Scale bars, 50 µm.