Figure 6. Post-ischemic hyperperfusion.
CBV is slightly elevated (arrows) in most of the right middle cerebral artery territory, reflecting vasodilation. In most of this tissue, CBF is higher than normal (arrows), demonstrating the vasodilation has persisted following an ischemic insult. MTT in this tissue may be minimally decreased in the hyperperfused tissue, although normal or elevated MTT are sometimes seen in such conditions. The Tmax map shows that bolus arrival is early in the hyperperfused tissue, although normal or (rarely) delayed arrival also can be seen in post-ischemic hyperperfusion. Post-ischemic hyperperfusion can occur in tissue that did or did not experience irreversible injury, as shown by the DWI image, in which some but not all of the hyperperfused tissue appears abnormal. Note that there is a persistently underperfused region posterior to the hyperperfused area.