NGP inhibits tumor angiogenesis, lymphangiogenesis, and invasion. A) Size-matched tumors were stained with H&E. Solid arrows indicate invasion of tumor cells into adjacent muscle tissue (top left panel). M, muscle; Tu, tumor. Dashed arrows indicate collagen fibers and desmoplasia the 4T1-Vec group (top right panel). Dotted arrows indicate a large necrotic lesion in 4T1-NGP tumor (bottom right panel). Images are representative. M, muscle; Tu, tumor. B) Representative images and quantitation of CD31 immunofluorescence, TUNEL fluorescent assay, or LYVE-1 immunofluorescence of size-matched tumors from 5–6 mice/group. Numbers of fields per section analyzed are indicated. Left panels: CD31+ vessels were counted in 3 fields/section. P = 0.0015; 2-tailed t test. Middle panels: 3 fields/section were counted for TUNEL assay to quantitate apoptotic cells. P = 0.0002; 2-tailed t test. Right panels: 5 fields/section were counted for LYVE-1+ vessels to quantify lymphatic vessels. P = 0.0275; 2-tailed, unpaired t test.