Regional plot of the negative decadic logarithm of the combined P values from the imputed panels A, C and D in a ~700 kb window around the intronic lead SNP rs13210247 (blue filled diamond) and the missense SNP rs33980500 (r2=0.63). Panels A, C and D were imputed with CEU haplotypes generated by the 1000 Genomes Project (August 2009 release) as a reference. The intronic SNP rs13210247 and the missense SNP rs33980500 were genotyped in the replication panels, and the combined P values of panels A through F are indicated for both SNPs (Table 2). The magnitude of linkage disequilibrium (LD) with the central SNP rs13210247, measured by r2, is reflected by the color of each SNP symbol (for color coding, see upper right corner of each plot). Recombination activity (cM/Mb) is depicted by a blue line.