Expression levels of fetMP depend on iron availability. E. coli strains ECA612 (glmS-fetMP) (●) and negative control ECA611 (glmS-Gm) (○) were cultivated in TMM (pH 7) without added iron at 37 °C with shaking. After 5 min of incubation, 100 μm FeCl3 was added (black arrow). At the 25 min time point, the cultures were divided, and 200 μm CDTA was added to one set of cultures (open arrow, ●), whereas no addition was made to the other set (■). The cells were harvested at various time points, and the fetP mRNA content was determined using the sandwich hybridization technique. The inset indicates the mRNA levels of fetMP-containing cells after the addition of 200 μm CDTA. Averages of three independent experiments with S.D. values (error bars) are shown.