Fig. (1). I.v. cocaine self-administration by rats during the 3 last FR1 sessions.
Rats were trained to self-administer cocaine (0.33 mg/kg/injection) during daily 1-h sessions under a FR1 schedule of reinforcement for 10 days. Results for the 3 last sessions are presented as (A), the number of self-injections performed during each session; (B), the number of NPs achieved in the active and inactive holes. Results are expressed as means ± sem. Rats were dispatched into several groups, as indicated, in view of the pharmacological treatment beginning 4 days before the reinstatement session. Control vehicle-treated group, n =11; 0.3 mg/kg TsA, n = 12; 20 mg/kg PhB, n = 7; 100 mg/kg PhB, n = 8.