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. 2011 Apr 6;31(7):1612–1622. doi: 10.1038/jcbfm.2011.41

Table 2. Main brain regions where STN-DBS increased FDG-SUVR (SPM8 analysis).

  MNI coordinatesa
Z score MNI coordinatesa
Z score
  x y z   x y z  
Lateral frontal cortex
 Orbitofrontal cortex 33 32 −20 3.68        
 Fronto-polar cortex (BA10) 12 59 4 3.96 −21 65 1 4.33
 Inferior frontal gyrus                
  (BA47) 51 47 1 4.07 −39 38 −8 3.40
  (BA10) 51 47 1 4.07 −48 47 1 3.71
 Frontal operculum (BA44/45) 42 14 7 4.56        
 Middle frontal gyrus                
  (BA10)         −39 56 7 3.45
  (BA9)         −45 23 40 3.59
  (BA8) 39 20 55 3.41        
 Superior frontal gyrus                
  (BA10) 18 62 22 4.33 −18 59 22 3.87
  (BA9)         −24 53 28 3.46
 Precentral gyrus (BA6) 39 −7 46 3.91 −54 2 31 3.46
Insula (posterior) 42 −13 −14 3.65        
Lateral temporal cortex
 Left temporal pole (BA38)         −57 11 −23 4.55
 Superior temporal gyrus (BA22)         −63 −28 1 3.88
 Middle temporal gyrus (BA21) 63 −40 −14 4.16 −69 −22 −11 3.94
 Inferior temporal gyrus (BA20)         −57 −27 −26 3.80
 Fusiform gyrus (BA37)         −30 −31 −26 3.74
 Lingual gyrus (BA18)         −24 −70 −5 4.52
Lateral parietal cortex
 Temporo-parietal junction 48 −49 40 3.78 −54 −46 31 3.59
 Angular gyrus (BA39/40) 45 −64 40 4.12        
 Inferior parietal lobule (BA40) 48 −49 40 3.78 −57 −43 40 4.05
 Postcentral gyrus (BA1/2/3) 36 −31 43 3.58 −45 −25 34 3.45
Midline areas
 Subgenual frontal cortex (BA32/25) 6 29 −8 4.10        
 Medial frontal gyrus                
  (BA9) 0 47 31 3.84        
  (BA10) 12 59 4 3.96        
  (BA6—pre-SMA) 6 20 52 4.03        
 Cingulate cortex                
  Anterior (BA24/32) 12 26 19 3.42        
  Middle (BA6/24; CCZ)         −12 −7 46 3.60
 Cuneus (BA18)         −3 −94 16 4.51
Subcortical areas
 Caudate nucleus 18 20 7 3.97 −15 11 10 3.34
 Left globus pallidus         −21 −4 −2 4.20
 Thalamus 6 −22 −2 3.67 −18 −25 4 3.41
 Right PPN area 6 −34 −17 4.21        
 Left cerebellum         −12 −49 −23 3.48

ACC, anterior cingulate cortex; BA, Brodmann's area; CCZ, caudal cingulate zone; DBS, deep brain stimulation; PPN, pedunculopontine nucleus; pre-SMA, presupplementary motor area.


Coordinates (in millimeters) of peak differences in MNI space (Montreal Neurological Institute; are given for information. Anatomical localization of SPM detected peak differences was assessed on the average spatially normalized MRI image from six patients with PD. Individual PET images were spatially normalized on a customized MRI-derived template that was specific for the data under investigation and thus that did not perfectly match the canonical template image in MNI space (see Materials and methods).