Figure 2.
Importazole binds specifically to importin-β. (a) Negative first derivatives of melting curves of 2 µM importin-β in the presence of 50 µM importazole or DMSO where the minima indicate the melting temperature. Melting curves show the results from six experiments conducted in quadruplicate using the Applied Biosystems 7500 qPCR machine. (b) Negative first derivatives of melting curves of 2 µM RanQ69L in the presence of 50 µM importazole or DMSO as control where the minima indicate the melting temperature. (c) Mean changes in melting temperature of 2 µM importin-β, RanQ69L, transportin and CRM1 in the presence of 50 µM importazole. Error bars indicate standard error; asterisks denote statistical significance (p < 0.01).