Reduced pancreatic β-cell mass and insulin content in opt/+ mice. For 10-week old opt/+ mice and their wild-type littermates (+/+): Fasting blood insulin, n=9 mice per genotype (A). Blood insulin during glucose tolerance test, n=6 mice per genotype (B). Immunostaining of insulin (C) and glucagon (D) on pancreas, n=5 (+/+) or 6 (opt/+). Lower panels demonstrate enlarged view of the boxed area in the corresponding upper panels. Quantitation of the β-cell area (E) and brown staining density (F) of the insulin-stained cells. Brown areas are normalized against the corresponding whole pancreas section areas. Insulin content in size-matched isolated islets, n=13 per genotype (G). Data are presented as the mean±SEM. *P<0.05, **P<0.01.