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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2012 Jul 1.
Published in final edited form as: Neuropsychologia. 2011 May 8;49(9):2514–2526. doi: 10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2011.04.032

Table 4.

Regions of Significant Activation during ESK > GE

MNI Coordinates

Region of Interest Hemisphere BA x y z t-value

Parahippocampal Gyrus L 35 −22 −14 −30 6.04
R 36 26 −6 −38 5.46
28 24 −20 −26 5.1
Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex L 9 −54 4 32 5.9
−40 4 26 5.72
−42 6 32 5.7
8 −52 10 46 5.11
6 −28 −6 52 5.58
−36 −6 58 4.96
46 −40 28 18 4.88
R 46 56 36 10 3.88
9 54 20 30 3.68
40 8 30 3.59
6 42 0 42 4.11
54 36 22 3.52
34 10 60 4.25
8 26 18 52 4.3
Superior Parietal Lobule L 7 −20 −72 54 5.62
−24 −62 58 5.29
R 28 −68 54 4.6
Ventrolateral Prefrontal Cortex R 45 −60 16 4 5.54
47 −58 18 0 5.1
−50 22 −12 4.93
−56 20 −4 4.88
−28 26 −22 4.18
R 36 32 −20 4.97
50 38 −10 4.46
54 24 −4 4.28
45 52 18 22 3.57
Dorsomedial Prefrontal Cortex L 32 −8 12 46 5.53
8 −6 30 58 5.24
−16 22 54 4.95
−8 42 44 4.67
−6 40 48 4.67
6 −6 18 66 4.97
−16 6 62 4.7
−16 8 58 4.69
R 18 8 68 3.44
Ventromedial Prefrontal Cortex R 11 18 54 −10 5.51
16 38 −20 4.05
4 60 −12 3.55
10 26 60 4 4.55
L 9 −16 52 26 5.19
10 −14 58 18 4.98
−12 50 22 4.7
−24 56 −2 4.09
−14 60 0 4.36
10 −16 38 −14 3.49
11 −12 42 −20 3.76
−8 50 −22 3.47
Precentral Gyrus L 6 −44 −10 48 5.47
4 −38 −28 68 5.46
6 −52 −2 38 5.38
Angular Gyrus R 39 48 −76 28 5.41
Posterior Cingulate R 31 26 −46 42 5.29
16 −66 14 4.15
L −8 −46 44 4.73
30 −2 −64 8 3.86
Superior Temporal Gyrus L 22 −62 8 2 4.89
38 −38 20 −28 4.17
Frontopolar Prefrontal Cortex R 10 32 54 −6 4.83
L 10 −32 56 2 3.52
Middle Temporal Gyrus R 39 48 −78 20 4.83
21 60 −30 −20 4.11
48 −10 −16 3.94
L 39 −54 −72 10 4.75
Anterior Cingulate R 24 8 16 26 4.76
L 24 0 −16 40 4.29
Postcentral Gyrus R 7 14 −60 68 4.39
43 64 −18 20 3.55
Lingual Gyrus L 18 −4 −76 −4 4.08
Inferior Temporal Gyrus R 20 40 −18 −28 4.03
38 −10 −36 3.96
Precuneus L 7 −8 −64 30 4
31 −16 −66 28 3.49
19 −44 −78 36 3.82
R 31 4 −76 28 3.75
Superior Occipital Gyrus L 19 −44 −84 26 3.84
Inferior Parietal Lobule R 40 46 −40 46 3.63

Up to three local maxima reported for each cluster reported significant at uncorrected threshold of p<.001; k ≥ 5 voxels.

BA= approximate Brodmann Area;

ESK= Event Specific Knowledge; GE = General Event