NCAM140/180 facilitates the growth of B16F0 melanoma cells via increasing β-catenin levels. A, pcDNA4-NCAM/myc-His expression vector encoding the full-length NCAM120, NCAM140, or NCAM180 was transiently transfected into B16F0 cells. The cells transfected with an empty vector were used as control. Myc tag and NCAM expression were examined by immunoblotting. B, cell proliferation was measured by MTT assay. C, p-GSK-3β and cytosol β-catenin were examined in B16F0 cells with overexpressing of NCAM120, NCAM140, or NCAM180. D, pcDNA4-NCAM140 or NCAM180 and DN-β-catenin were transiently co-transfected into the B16F0 cells. The cells transfected with empty vectors were used as the control. An MTT assay was used to measure cell proliferation. *, p < 0.05.