Induction of immune responses in cultured rice cells by several mutant flagellins. A, time course of H2O2 generation in cultured rice cells that were treated with several mutant flagellins. White columns, 0 h after treatment; gray columns, 1 h after treatment; black columns, 3 h after treatment; hatched columns, 6 h after treatment. The y axis represents the -fold change in H2O2 in cultured rice cells relative to the levels before flagellin treatment. Asterisks indicate a significant increase (t test; p < 0.05) in H2O2 generation with the amino acid-substituted flagellins. B, PAL mRNA levels in cultured rice cells that were treated with several mutant flagellins. The mRNA levels were calculated from the threshold point located in the log-linear range of RT-PCR. Standard samples with known template amounts were used to quantitate the PAL mRNA levels. The y axis represents the -fold change relative to the PAL mRNA levels of water-treated cultured rice cells. White columns, 0 h after treatment; black columns, 6 h after treatment. C, Cht-1 mRNA levels in cultured rice cells that were treated with several mutant flagellins. The mRNA levels were calculated from the threshold point located in the log-linear range of RT-PCR. Standard samples with known template amounts were used to quantitate the Cht-1 mRNA levels. The y axis represents the -fold change relative to the Cht-1 mRNA levels of water-treated cultured rice cells. White columns, 0 h after treatment; black columns, 6 h after treatment. The error bars indicate the S.D. for five experiments. KΔFlaA-KFlaA, K1-type flagellin purified from the KΔFlaA strain possessing the K1 FlaA expression vector; K-178S/A, S178A substituted flagellin; K-183S/A, S183A substituted K1 flagellin; K-212S/A, S212A substituted K1 flagellin; K-351T/A, T351A substituted K1 flagellin; K-178,183S/A, S178A/S183A double substituted flagellin and N1141 flagellin purified from the NΔFlaA strain carrying the N1141 FlaA expression vector.