Figure 10.
Predicted results of ratio, , versus the external backward force F acting on the Pol for different values of En-En+1, where kb(F) is the dNTP-binding rate under effect of the external force F and
is the dNTP-binding rate under no external force. Curves from upper to lower are for En-En+1 = -5kBT, -4kBT, -3kBT, 0, 3kBT and 5kBT, where En-En+1 = -5kBT, -4kBT, -3kBT correspond to replicative Pols, En-En+1 = 0 corresponds to Dbh, Pol ι and Pol η and En-En+1 = 3kBT and 5kBT correspond to Dpo4.