Figure 1. IL-22 expression is increased during specific T cell responses in the lung.
Panel A: IL-22 intracellular staining in lung cells 24 hrs after inhaled exposure of OT II mice with either PBS (PBS) or OVA for 3 consecutive days. Panel A shows IL-22 a representative intracellular staining of CD45+ cells. Panel B: Numbers of CD45+ IL22+ cells from 2 independent experiments, each dot represents a single mouse, bar represents Mean, * p<0.05; Panel C: levels of IL-22 in BAL fluid, mean±SEM are shown, n = 4 from 2 independent experiments, Panel D: representative IL-22 intracellular staining in lung cells 24 hrs after inhaled exposure of OT II mice OVA for 3 consecutive days. Panel E: ScaI and CD90 expression in lung cells 24 hrs after inhaled exposure of OT II mice. Red dots represent IL-22 positive cells, black dots represent IL-22 negative cells.