(A) Ptbp2 gene diagram showing the alternatively spliced exon 10 (blue). The correct stop codon and the premature termination codon (PTC) generated as a result of exon 10 skipping are indicated by red and purple arrowheads, respectively.
(B) Both miR-124 and PTBP1-specific siRNA reduce PTBP1 mRNA levels and induce a reciprocal increase in PTBP2 mRNA. The RT-qPCR analysis was carried out using primers specific to constitutively spliced regions of the two genes (Ptbp1 F1/R1 and Ptbp2 F2/R2, respectively; Table S1). Data are means of three amplifications ± SD. The mean of the RI transfection experiment was set to 1.
(C and D) (C) Time course of PTBP1 protein downregulation by RNAi. Only PTBP1 knockdown leads to the accumulation of PTBP2 protein. (D) RT-PCR showing the effects of PTBP1 and Rent1 knockdowns on the distribution of exon 10 included (i) and skipped (s) forms of PTBP2 mRNA.
(E) Rent1 knockdown consistently increased the fraction of the (s) form. Quantifications are averages of four independent experiments ± SD.