Results of LDN-193189 treatment of mice with T cell transfer colitis. A, Liver hepcidin mRNA levels in mice treated with vehicle or LDN-193189, expressed relative to the mean level in vehicle-treated mice. The p value for the difference between the groups was 0.074, n = 3 mice in the vehicle-treated group, 5 in the LDN-193189 group. B, Colon IL-17 mRNA levels in the proximal, middle and distal regions of the colon of mice treated with vehicle or LDN-19189, expressed relative to the mean level in the vehicle-treated group. *p = 0.006, n = 3 mice in the vehicle-treated group, 5 in the LDN-193189 group. C, Serum iron concentrations in mice treated with vehicle or LDN-193189. *p < 0.0001, n = 3 mice in the vehicle-treated group, 5 in the LDN-193189 group.