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. 2010 Jul 24;133(8):2185–2195. doi: 10.1093/brain/awq163

Table 2.

Effect of talker group on school-age language and literacy performance

MANOVA model name/construct Dependent variables Unadjusted group means (SD)
Main effect of groupa
Early On-time Late F (df) P partial η2
Vocabulary n = 135 WJ Picture Vocabulary 119.1 (11.4) 110.9 (11.8) 105.9 (10.6) 4.16 (6,258) 0.001 0.088
WASI Vocabulary 59.5 (9.0) 54.3 (9.8) 46.4 (12.6)
PPVT-III 121.7 (12.1) 113.3 (12.2) 104.7 (12.9)
Oral language n = 137 WJ story recall 123.2 (10.0) 114.3 (14.1) 108.9 (15.7) 3.81 (8,260) <0.001 0.105
WJ directions 115.1 (12.2) 108.9 (10.1) 104.0 (14.4)
WJ oral comp 125.6 (10.7) 115.6 (12.0) 107.0 (13.3)
WASI similarities 61.7 (8.9) 58.2 (7.4) 51.5 (14.0)
Phonological processing n = 140 CTOPP elision 12.0 (3.2) 11.28 (3.1) 9.5 (2.8) 1.68 (8,266) 0.103 0.048
CTOPP blending words 12.1 (2.9) 10.8 (2.3) 10.2 (1.8)
CTOPP blending non-words 12.9 (2.4) 12.0 (2.7) 10.7 (1.8)
CTOPP non-word repetition 10.0 (2.6) 9.5 (2.3) 9.4 (2.4)
Reading accuracy n = 132 WJ letter-word identification 120.3 (14.0) 110.4 (14.5) 99.5 (11.3) 3.84 (10,248) <0.001 0.134
WJ word attack 114.6 (12.3) 109.4 (12.5) 102.5 (10.8)
GORT accuracy 10.1 (3.5) 8.2 (3.4) 5.1 (2.5)
TOWRE phonemic decoding 111.1 (15.0) 104.6 (16.4) 93.0 (12.9)
TOWRE sight words 112.3 (15.0) 106.9 (15.6) 93.0 (13.1)
Reading fluency n = 127 WJ reading fluency 116.3 (16.6) 107.4 (18.9) 96.8 (16.4) 4.88 (4,244) 0.001 0.074
GORT fluency 11.4 (3.5) 9.3 (3.9) 6.0 (3.1)
Reading comprehension n = 133 WJ passage comprehension 114.2 (13.5) 105.4 (13.6) 96.5 (10.9) 4.51 (4,256) 0.002 0.066
GORT reading comprehension 12.3 (4.4) 10.6 (3.9) 8.6 (3.5)
Spellingbn = 157 WJ spelling 15.8 (20.0) 109.7 (18.6) 98.9 (15.7) 4.88 (2,153) 0.009 0.06

MANOVA = multivariate analysis of variance; WJ = Woodcock Johnson-III Test; PPVT = Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test-III; TOWRE = Test of Word Reading Efficiency; GORT = Gray Oral Reading Test; CTOPP = Comprehensive Test of Phonological Processing; WASI = Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence.

a Main effect of group based on Wilks’ Lambda, and include Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence Performance IQ as a covariate (P < 0.01 in all models).

b Spelling analysed using univariate ANOVA with Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence Performance IQ as covariate.