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. 2010 Jul 24;133(8):2185–2195. doi: 10.1093/brain/awq163

Table 4.

Regions associated with differences between early and late talkers (P < 0.0001, false discovery rate corrected)

Volume (mm3) t-Value Peak P-value MNI coordinates (peak voxel)
x y z
Early > late
    Left globus pallidus/putamen 5960 5.79 <0.00000000 −25 8 −4
    Left insula 3384 5.61 0.00000006 −30 22 16
    Left superior temporal extending to middle temporal 3056 5.68 <0.00000000 −48 −42 10
    Right globus pallidus/putamen 2768 5.68 <0.00000000 30 −1 10
    Left cingulate/superior frontal 1256 5.74 <0.00000000 −12 −12 52
    Right inferior occipital 728 4.94 0.00000119 36 −84 −8
    Right superior frontal/precentral 576 5.03 0.00000077 24 −16 50
    Right precuneus 568 5.13 0.00000048 14 −62 48
    Right inferior superior frontal 512 7.18 <0.00000000 14 68 −16
    Left thalamus 504 4.94 0.00000113 −6 −18 0
    Right thalamus 488 4.96 0.00000107 14 −20 0
    Right middle occipital 408 5.18 0.00000036 28 −88 4
    Left precentral 376 6.10 <0.00000000 −44 −14 62
    Right posterior putamen/claustrum/insula 368 4.27 0.00002456 36 −6 −4
    Left superior frontal 264 4.89 0.00000149 −8 4 56
    Left inferior temporal 248 5.13 0.00000048 −46 −10 −38
    Left anterior precentral 240 4.71 0.00000352 −36 4 44
    Left precuneus 232 4.39 0.00001490 −12 −50 52
    Left fusiform/lateral occipitotemporal sulcus 232 4.67 0.00000411 −42 −46 −7
Late > early
    Right superior parietal lobule 1336 5.68 <0.00000000 36 −50 66
    Left middle temporal 1016 5.67 <0.00000000 −72 −26 −4
    Right posterior inferior parietal sulcus 840 5.71 <0.00000000 38 −74 46
    Right cerebellum 640 5.02 0.00000089 30 −56 −46
    Left superior parietal lobule 488 4.99 0.00000089 −32 −54 62
    Left middle frontal 400 5.05 0.00000066 −36 30 40
    Left posterior inferior temporal 320 5.70 <0.00000000 −60 −60 −20
    Right lingual 256 5.44 0.00000012 14 −90 −10
    Left inferior frontal 192 4.86 0.00000173 −48 44 6

MNI = Montreal Neurological Institute.