Fig. 4.
Expression of SA specific genes is reduced in adrenal medulla of AP-2β−/− mice. (A–L′) Cryosectioned adrenal gland of e15.5 (A–D′), e18.5 (E–H′), and P0 (I–L′) wild type (A–L) and AP-2β homozygous mutant mice (A′–L′) was analyzed. TH (A, A′, E, E′, I, I′), PNMT (B, B′, F, F′, J, J′), DBH (C, C′, G, G′, K, K′), and CHGA (D, D′, H, H′, L, L′) are stained with their specific antibodies, and visualized using fluorescence conjugated secondary antibodies. The same section was used to detect TH and PNMT. Scale bar; 200 μm.