Figure 1. Melanocyte-specific GFP expression reveals UVB-induced activation.
a, E11.5 iDct-GFP embryo showing GFP+ cells in neural crest (red arrow) and telencephalon (white arrow). b, In 7-day old pup skin GFP+ cells are located in the bulb (lower arrow) and bulge (upper arrow) regions of hair follicles. Blue = DAPI; E, epidermis; D, dermis. c, Immunohistochemistry with anti-Dct antibody shows co-localization with GFP in iDct-GFP skin. d, UVB-induced activation of melanocytes, characterized by proliferation and migration towards epidermis. Dorsal skins were examined at 1 day (at age P2) and 6 days (P7) post-irradiation. Scale bars = 40 μm. e, Schematic of the regime for isolating GFP+ melanocytes by FACS. Pups are irradiated at P1, and dorsal skins harvested at either P2 (24 h post-UV) or P7 (6 d post-UV). Doxycycline injections are always given after irradiation, 24 h prior to skin harvest.