Normalized force (Fc/R) as a function of the distance, D, between monolayers of immobilized DC-SIGNR and bilayers containing 5 mol % Man9GlcNAc2-DPPE. (A) The force normalized by the substrate radius Fc/R was measured as a function of distance between the ligand-containing membrane and the 6-repeat form of DC-SIGNR. The filled squares and circles represent two successive measurements at the same sample position. Samples were in buffer maintained at 21.0 ± 0.2 °C. At DJ, the surfaces jump in to contact at the separation DC, indicated by the vertical dashed line. At D < DC, the force increases to the equilibrium separation Deq at F/R = 0 (vertical dashed line). At D < Deq the force then increases more steeply due to steric repulsion between the protein and opposed membrane. (B) Normalized force curve measured with the 6-repeat variant in (A), during approach and separation. The black circles and squares are as in (A). During separation (open circles), the surfaces jump out of contact at DAdh (right pointing arrow).