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. 2011 Jun 16;189(4):261–268. doi: 10.1007/s00408-011-9301-8

Table 5.

IRs and RRs 180 days before and after the first exacerbation for cardiovascular NRSAEs by selected prespecified adverse event category according to presence or absence of cardiac disorders at baseline

Prespecified adverse event categorya Cardiac disorder present at baseline (N = 578) Cardiac disorder absent at baseline (N = 1,711)
Before exacerbation After exacerbation Incidence RR (95% CI) Before exacerbation After exacerbation Incidence RR (95% CI)
All 60 22.3 112 46.9 2.11 (1.54–2.88) 84 10.2 192 25.9 2.54 (1.97–3.28)
Ischemic heart disease 8 2.82 16 6.05 2.14 (0.92–5.01) 4 0.47 16 2.03 4.28 (1.43–12.8)
MI 3 1.05 6 2.24 2.13 (0.53–8.51) 2 0.24 9 1.14 4.80 (1.04–22.2)
Angina 5 1.76 11 4.12 2.34 (0.81–6.73) 2 0.24 9 1.14 4.80 (1.04–22.2)
Cardiac failure 3 1.06 19 7.17 6.79 (2.01–22.9) 1 0.12 21 2.67 22.5 (3.02–167)
Atrial fibrillation/flutter 2 0.70 18 6.78 9.62 (2.23–41.5) 2 0.24 7 0.88 3.73 (0.77–17.9)
Nonventricular tachycardia, including SVT 1 0.35 2 0.74 2.12 (0.19–23.3) 2 0.24 5 0.63 2.66 (0.52–13.7)
Stroke 3 1.06 5 1.86 1.76 (0.42–7.38) 3 0.36 8 1.01 2.84 (0.75–10.7)

IR incidence rate, RR rate ratio (after/before), NRSAE nonlower respiratory serious adverse event, CI confidence interval, MI myocardial infarction, SVT supraventricular tachycardia, MedDRA Medical Dictionary for Regulatory Activities

aPreferred terms with a secondary relationship to MedDRA SOC

bIR per 100 patient-years