Figure 4. Eps8 plays a major role as a bundler, and not as a capper, in HeLa cells.
a. Change in RFI and FII in the various genetic backgrounds. Empty rectangles represent experimental results (see Table 3 in Text S1), filled rectangles simulations of equations in Table 1 in Text S1 and parameters in Table 2 and Table 3 in Text S1. b. Complexes formed in HeLa cells by Abi1, Eps8, IRSp53, and VASP in different genetic backgrounds, plotted as percentage of total protein concentration in the wild type. Simulations performed as in a. c. Removal of Eps8 from HeLa cells does not significantly increase the amount of VASP bound to IRSp53. Lysates (1 mg) of HeLa control cells treated with a scrambled oligo [WT (scr)] or interfered for Eps8 (Eps8 K.d.) were immunoprecipitated with VASP or control abs. Lysates (40 µg) and immunoprecipitates (IPs) were immunoblotted with the indicated abs. IgG are also indicated.