Figure 2. Transition from tonic spiking into bursting and the evolution of the bursting waveforms.
The increase of the half-inactivation voltage of the slow calcium current, shifts
towards more hyperpolarized values of
changing the activity from tonic spiking (A) to bursting (B–D). (A) For
= 0.047 V the model exhibits a periodic tonic spiking activity. (B–D) The increase of
up to 0.048 V shifts
towards the hyperpolarized value of
thus changing the activity from tonic spiking to bursting. (C) The increase of
to 0.056 V expands the interburst interval. (D)
= 0.06 V brings the value of the interburst interval close to the targeted value. The leak current parameters are the same as in Fig. 1.
was 0.031 V for A and D. Panels (B)–(D) have the same time scale.