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. 2011 Jun 6;11:439. doi: 10.1186/1471-2458-11-439

Table 2.

Critical appraisal of the longitudinal cohort and case-control studies included for analysis

References Analytical breadtha Analytical deptha Selectionb Comparabilityb Outcome/Exposureb Totalc
Barnett and Brennan (1998)[40] ** *** ** ** ** 5;6
Bromet et al. (1988)[39] ** ** ** ** *** 4;7
Fuhrer et al. (1999)[131] *** *** * ** * 6;4
Griffin et al. (2002)[37] ** ** ** ** * 4;5
Marchand et al. (2005)[12] *** *** *** ** ** 6;7
Niedhammer et al. (1998)[38] ** ** * ** * 4;4
Revicki et al. (1993)[129] * * * ** * 2;4
Shields (1999)[132] ** ** *** ** ** 4;7
Shields (2002) [130] ** *** ** ** ** 5;6
Smith et al. (2008)[133] *** ** ** ** ** 5;6
Stansfeld et al. (1998)[134] *** *** * ** ** 6;5
Wickrama et al. (2007)[36] ** * * * ** 3;4
Ostry et al. (2006)[35] * * ** ** ** 2;6

Note. Full details on the scoring system are presented in Additional file 2.

a Criterion considered for the conceptual assessment of the study quality.

b Criterion considered for the methodological assessment of the study quality.

c Total scores were obtained by summing the number of stars allocated to the conceptual and methodological components of the critical appraisal respectively.

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