Figure 4.
Pollen viability estimates for five Brassica parent lines and cultivars (J1 - B. juncea, N1 and N2 - B. napus, C1 and C2 - B. carinata) and five Brassica interspecific hybrid genotypes at four different temperature treatments at 12 h day/night temperatures-hot (30°C/20°C), warm (25°C/15°C), cool (18°C/13°C) and cold (10°C/5°C). Interspecific hybrid genotypes J1N1 and J1N2 are B. juncea × B. napus hybrids from two different B. napus parent cultivars, J1C1 a B. juncea × B. carinata hybrid and N1C2 and N2C2 B. napus × B. carinata hybrids from the same two B. napus cultivars. J1C1 and C1 plants under the "warm" growth condition died before flowering, and these missing values are indicated by an "x". Data are given as group averages with ± one standard error bars.