Regions of the brain with abnormally low CMRgl in young adult carriers of the APOE ε4 allele and their relation to brain regions with abnormally low CMRgl in patients with probable AD. In this analysis, a 3D surface-projection map of abnormally low CMRgl in the young adult ε4 carriers was superimposed on a map of abnormally low CMRgl in previously studied patients with the probable AD and a spatially standardized and volume-rendered MRI of the brain (P < 0.005, uncorrected for multiple comparisons) (6, 9). The purple areas are regions in which CMRgl was abnormally low only in the patients with AD, the bright blue areas are regions in which CMRgl was abnormally low in both the young adult ε4 carriers and patients with probable AD, and the muted blue areas are regions in which CMRgl was abnormally low only in the ε4 carriers. (Lines point to the locations of the ε4 carriers' most significant CMRgl reductions and correspond to the brain atlas coordinates in Table 3.) Like patients with AD, the young adult ε4 carriers had abnormally low CMRgl bilaterally in the posterior cingulate, parietal, temporal, and prefrontal cortex.