Figure 3. Active site of BcPPNE.
(a) Residues essential for the catalytic activity of papain-like NlpC/P60 enzymes: BcYkfC (green; Cys238, His291, His303 and Tyr226), BcPPNE (cyan; Cys154, His49, Glu64 and Tyr127), YiiX (magenta; Cys128, His49, Glu64 and Tyr115) and human PPPDE1 (yellow; Cys108, His38, Glu47, and Tyr101; red; water). Residue numbers are from BcPPNE. (b) Bound lysine identified in the active site. The omit density (Fo-Fc) is contoured at 4.5σ. Hydrogen bonds are shown in dashed lines.