A) Rat Ntf3 promoter with one SRY/SOX site 214 bp upstream of the transcription start site. B) Mouse Ntf3 promoter with two SRY/SOX sites at 206 and 222 bp upstream of the transcription start site. Ntf3 promoter mutational assays. C) Rat Ntf3 promoter activity is compared to the activity of a promoter with the 214 SRY/SOX site mutated. D) Mouse Ntf3 promoter activity is compared to the activity of promoters with the 206, 222, or both 206 and 222 SRY/SOX sites mutated. Activity within assays was normalized to wild-type promoter activity, and empty pGL3 vector activity shown represents background activity. Data are shown as the mean of a minimum of three different experiments, each with triplicate samples for each condition. The means ± SEM are presented. *Indicates statistical difference from wild-type promoter activity, P ≤ 0.05.