Fig. 6. Mutational effects of the SUR1 subunit on the Gβγ2-dependent modulation of KATP channels. (A) Single channel currents were recorded continuously from COS-7 cells co-expressed with wild-type Kir6.2 subunit together with the mutant SUR1 subunit, S1LM1. (a) Control (in the absence of ATP); (b) in the presence of 100 µM ATP or (c) 100 µM ATP plus 50 pM Gβγ2; and (d) after wash-out of Gβγ2 or (e) Gβγ2 plus ATP. Arrowheads, the zero current levels. (B) Current responses (NPo) to 100 µM ATP were measured in the absence (open boxes) or presence (filled boxes) of 50 pM Gβγ2 in the wild-type or mutant channels as indicated, and expressed as a ratio to those in the absence of ATP. The number of experiments is indicated in parentheses. **P<0.001. NS, not significant.