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. 2011 May 18;94(2):377–384. doi: 10.3945/ajcn.110.010736


Coordinates of peak voxels that showed a significant main effect of prandial state (fasting/fed) and interaction between prandial state and follicular phase (early/late) in response to food visualization (n = 9)1

Region label Brodmann area Cluster size Peak intensity P value MNI coordinates
x y z
kE F mm
Prandial state
 R inferior frontal gyrus 44 487 22.14 <0.001* 52 6 18
 L inferior frontal gyrus 45 131 13.00 0.001* −52 18 20
 R cingulate gyrus 24 31 12.30 0.001 16 0 42
 L middle frontal gyrus 6 25 11.59 0.002 −20 0 46
 R medial frontal gyrus 6 15 11.36 0.002 8 −14 70
 R postcentral gyrus 3 11 11.33 0.002 62 −14 28
 R superior frontal gyrus 8 13 11.24 0.002 16 40 50
 L middle frontal gyrus 8 11 10.35 0.003 −40 18 48
 L middle frontal gyrus 9 18 10.23 0.003 −46 30 34
Follicular phase
 R insula 13 16 11.37 0.002 40 −16 16

Results are reported with the use of the Montreal Neurological Institute (MNI) coordinate system. P values represent uncorrected peak-level statistics, unless otherwise specified. See section entitled “Data analysis” for statistical analysis details. L, left; R, right. *P < 0.05, corrected for multiple comparisons with the use of the Monte Carlo simulation.