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. 2011 Feb 24;1(1):53–71. doi: 10.1007/s13142-011-0021-7

Table 2.

Weight loss (diet, physical activity) mobile intervention studies

Reference Study characteristics Intervention description Theoretical basis Interactivity Outcome
Joo and Kim, [33] N = 927 adult public health center patients; pre–post Weekly informational SMS messages regarding diet and exercise None reported Output not adjusted Weight loss of 1.6 kg at 12 weeks
Hurling et al. [38] N = 77 normal and overweight adults; RCT of intervention vs. exercise advice alone Web-based program for managing perceived barriers and scheduling weekly exercise; reminders via email or SMS messaging; accelerometer data obtained and transmitted via mobile phone for real-time web feedback Theory of Planned Behavior; Components of other theories Output auto-adjusted initially Physical activity increase of 12 MET min for intervention vs. 4 MET min for control at 9 weeks
Atienza et al. [41] N = 36 healthy adults; RCT of intervention vs. print materials PDA program assessing vegetable and whole grain intake and providing behavioral strategies to motivate changes to dietary intake Self-Regulation Theory; Social Cognitive Theory Output manually adjusted initially Servings of vegetables or grain fiber per 1,000 kcal of 1 for intervention vs. 0 for controls at 8 weeks
King et al. [42] N = 37, age ≥50 years underactive adults; RCT of intervention vs. print materials PDA program assessing physical activities, vegetable and whole grain intake, and providing behavioral strategies to motivate changes to dietary intake Self-Regulation Theory; Social Cognitive Theory Output auto-adjusted initially and just-in-time Increase of moderate + physical activity of 178 min/week for intervention vs. decrease of 80 min/week for control at 8 weeks
Beasley et al. [39] N = 174 overweight or obese adults; RCT of intervention vs. paper diary PDA dietary self-monitoring program with feedback compared to personalized targets for very low fat diet recommendations None reported Output auto-adjusted initially and just-in-time Total fat intake decrease of 31 g/day for intervention vs. 22 g/day for control at 3 weeks
Liu et al. [35] N = 48 adult COPD patients; RCT of intervention vs. no treatment Music tempo delivered via mobile phone program adjusted based on ISWT to encourage a waking pace at 80% max effort None reported Output manually adjusted initially and just-in-time ISWT distance increase of 68.4 m for intervention from baseline to 12 weeks
Nguyen et al. [36] N = 17 adult COPD patients; RCT of mobile coached vs. mobile monitoring alone Daily log via SMS of exercise and symptoms; Weekly SMS messages reinforcing logged exercise by nurse None reported Output manually adjusted just-in-time Incremental cycle test change of +1.3 W for monitoring vs. −5.5 W for coached
Haapala et al. [40] N = 125 overweight adults; RCT of intervention vs. no treatment Contingency program via SMS that instructed users in a staggered reduction of food intake based on weight, daily energy requirements, and short- and long-term weight goals Self-Efficacy Theory; Systems Contingency Approach Output auto-adjusted initially and just-in-time Weight loss of 4.5 kg for intervention vs. 1.1 kg for control at 12 months
Patrick et al. [43] N = 65 overweight adults; RCT of intervention vs. print information Tailored SMS messages that encouraged goal setting, self-monitoring, and addressed barriers to weight loss None reported Output auto-adjusted initially and just-in-time Weight loss of 2.9 kg for intervention vs. 0.9 kg for print information at 4 months
Fjeldsoe et al. [44] N = 88 postnatal women; RCT of intervention vs. initial behavioral counseling only Tailored SMS messages encouraging physical activity sent 3–5 times per week provided in conjunction with two behavioral counseling sessions; weekly SMS goal check with response Social Cognitive Theory Output auto-adjusted initially and just-in-time Walking for exercise duration increase of 6.7 min for intervention vs. 0.3 min for control at 13 weeks
Burke et al. [34] N = 210 overweight or obese adults; RCT of PDA + tailored feedback, PDA monitoring, and paper-based monitoring In addition to 20 group sessions over 6 months, PDA program of self-monitoring and summary output of dietary intake (same dietary monitoring program as Beasley et al. [39]) and exercise activity with or without custom tailored multiple daily messages based on input Self-Regulation Theory Output auto-adjusted initially and just-in-time Weight loss of 6.5% for PDA + tailored feedback, 4.8% for PDA alone, and 4.6% for paper-based dietary monitoring at 6 months
Bauer et al. [37] N = 40 overweight children; pre–post Weekly text message questions on maintaining diet and physical activity following 12-week group intervention. Feedback based on responses provided reinforcement, promoted social support, reminded skills learned during treatment, and motivated participants (reviewed and modified by staff before sending) Cognitive–Behavioral Output (semi) auto-adjusted initially and just-in-time BMI standard deviation score reduction of 0.07 from end of group intervention to 12 months

ISWT Intermittent Shuttle Walk Test