Table 2.
Weight loss (diet, physical activity) mobile intervention studies
Reference | Study characteristics | Intervention description | Theoretical basis | Interactivity | Outcome |
Joo and Kim, [33] | N = 927 adult public health center patients; pre–post | Weekly informational SMS messages regarding diet and exercise | None reported | Output not adjusted | Weight loss of 1.6 kg at 12 weeks |
Hurling et al. [38] | N = 77 normal and overweight adults; RCT of intervention vs. exercise advice alone | Web-based program for managing perceived barriers and scheduling weekly exercise; reminders via email or SMS messaging; accelerometer data obtained and transmitted via mobile phone for real-time web feedback | Theory of Planned Behavior; Components of other theories | Output auto-adjusted initially | Physical activity increase of 12 MET min for intervention vs. 4 MET min for control at 9 weeks |
Atienza et al. [41] | N = 36 healthy adults; RCT of intervention vs. print materials | PDA program assessing vegetable and whole grain intake and providing behavioral strategies to motivate changes to dietary intake | Self-Regulation Theory; Social Cognitive Theory | Output manually adjusted initially | Servings of vegetables or grain fiber per 1,000 kcal of 1 for intervention vs. 0 for controls at 8 weeks |
King et al. [42] | N = 37, age ≥50 years underactive adults; RCT of intervention vs. print materials | PDA program assessing physical activities, vegetable and whole grain intake, and providing behavioral strategies to motivate changes to dietary intake | Self-Regulation Theory; Social Cognitive Theory | Output auto-adjusted initially and just-in-time | Increase of moderate + physical activity of 178 min/week for intervention vs. decrease of 80 min/week for control at 8 weeks |
Beasley et al. [39] | N = 174 overweight or obese adults; RCT of intervention vs. paper diary | PDA dietary self-monitoring program with feedback compared to personalized targets for very low fat diet recommendations | None reported | Output auto-adjusted initially and just-in-time | Total fat intake decrease of 31 g/day for intervention vs. 22 g/day for control at 3 weeks |
Liu et al. [35] | N = 48 adult COPD patients; RCT of intervention vs. no treatment | Music tempo delivered via mobile phone program adjusted based on ISWT to encourage a waking pace at 80% max effort | None reported | Output manually adjusted initially and just-in-time | ISWT distance increase of 68.4 m for intervention from baseline to 12 weeks |
Nguyen et al. [36] | N = 17 adult COPD patients; RCT of mobile coached vs. mobile monitoring alone | Daily log via SMS of exercise and symptoms; Weekly SMS messages reinforcing logged exercise by nurse | None reported | Output manually adjusted just-in-time | Incremental cycle test change of +1.3 W for monitoring vs. −5.5 W for coached |
Haapala et al. [40] | N = 125 overweight adults; RCT of intervention vs. no treatment | Contingency program via SMS that instructed users in a staggered reduction of food intake based on weight, daily energy requirements, and short- and long-term weight goals | Self-Efficacy Theory; Systems Contingency Approach | Output auto-adjusted initially and just-in-time | Weight loss of 4.5 kg for intervention vs. 1.1 kg for control at 12 months |
Patrick et al. [43] | N = 65 overweight adults; RCT of intervention vs. print information | Tailored SMS messages that encouraged goal setting, self-monitoring, and addressed barriers to weight loss | None reported | Output auto-adjusted initially and just-in-time | Weight loss of 2.9 kg for intervention vs. 0.9 kg for print information at 4 months |
Fjeldsoe et al. [44] | N = 88 postnatal women; RCT of intervention vs. initial behavioral counseling only | Tailored SMS messages encouraging physical activity sent 3–5 times per week provided in conjunction with two behavioral counseling sessions; weekly SMS goal check with response | Social Cognitive Theory | Output auto-adjusted initially and just-in-time | Walking for exercise duration increase of 6.7 min for intervention vs. 0.3 min for control at 13 weeks |
Burke et al. [34] | N = 210 overweight or obese adults; RCT of PDA + tailored feedback, PDA monitoring, and paper-based monitoring | In addition to 20 group sessions over 6 months, PDA program of self-monitoring and summary output of dietary intake (same dietary monitoring program as Beasley et al. [39]) and exercise activity with or without custom tailored multiple daily messages based on input | Self-Regulation Theory | Output auto-adjusted initially and just-in-time | Weight loss of 6.5% for PDA + tailored feedback, 4.8% for PDA alone, and 4.6% for paper-based dietary monitoring at 6 months |
Bauer et al. [37] | N = 40 overweight children; pre–post | Weekly text message questions on maintaining diet and physical activity following 12-week group intervention. Feedback based on responses provided reinforcement, promoted social support, reminded skills learned during treatment, and motivated participants (reviewed and modified by staff before sending) | Cognitive–Behavioral | Output (semi) auto-adjusted initially and just-in-time | BMI standard deviation score reduction of 0.07 from end of group intervention to 12 months |
ISWT Intermittent Shuttle Walk Test