(A–F) Photographs of the climbing plants studied in the Chilean evergreen rainforest: Mitraria coccinea (A), Cissus striata (B), Boquila trifoliolata (C), Hydrangea serratifolia (D), Elytropus chilensis (E) and Luzuriaga radicans (F). (G) Excised horizontal (plagiotropic, left) and vertical (orthotropic, right) shoots of Mitraria coccinea. (H–M) Computer images reconstructed using the 3-D software Y-plant of Cissus striata (H, orthotropic; M, plagiotropic shoots), Elytropus chilensis (I), Luzuriaga radicans (J), Mitraria coccinea (K) and Luzuriaga polyphylla (L).