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. 2011 Jun 28;108(2):391–404. doi: 10.1093/aob/mcr143

Table 5.

Effect of parameters differing between high and low phosphorus simulated Arabidopsis in low (1 µm) and high (20 µm) phosphorus conditions

Differing parameter (% difference) High phosphorus
Low phosphorus
T1 T2 Yield T1 T2 Yield
None* 32 d 41 d 263 mg 59 d 63 d 97·9 mg
% change caused by varying each differing parameter alone
Zrt (33 %) –3·13 0 0·26 –3·39 –6·35 16·9
Zlf (37 %) 0 2·44 –3·48 –8·47 –6·35 28·8
Zrep (20 %) 0 0 –0·88 –3·39 1·59 5·41
ffix (21 %) –3·13 –2·44 –11·4 0 –3·17 2·97
Gmax (33 %) 0 –4·88 –1·26 –5·08 4·76 1·79
% change caused by using LP and HP values for all differing parameters
 All differences 6·25 0 –16·8 –15·3 –4·76 58·3
% change from using central values for each differing phosphorus availability parameter
Pmax (11 %) –3·13 0 –1·23 –10·2 0 21·6
Pmin (11 %) 0 0 –0·55 –5·08 0 11·6

Data shown are phenology and yield for the case where all plant parameter are equal and only phosphorus availability differs (row 1, in days and mg), the percentage change from these results when each single plant parameter is varied (rows 2–6), and the percentage change when all parameters that differ between high- and low-phosphorus plants are varied (row 7) – note that this case is the same as the baseline scenario used for the sensitivity analysis. Rows 8 and 9 are the percentage change when a central value is used for each of the phosphorus availability parameters.

* Only two phosphorus availability parameters differ between high and low phosphorus.

Differing parameters include the above plus Zstm, Zsd and Arep. This is equivalent to comparing the baseline scenarios from the sensitivity analysis (represented in Fig. 3) with the scenarios in row 1 of this table, where only phosphorus availability differs.

For Pmin, the central value was 0·885, and the HP and LP values were 11 % above and below. For Pmax, the LP value was increased and the HP value reduced by 11 % to facilitate comparison with Pmin.