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. 2011 Jul 6;4:130. doi: 10.1186/1756-3305-4-130

Table 4.

The distribution of early and late instars of Anopheline mosquitoes in man-made habitats (A = ponds, B = water canals) provided with different treatments

Early instars Late instars
Variable Parameter EMM 95% CI for EMM Odds Ratio 95% CI for Exp (B) P EMM 95% CI for EMM Odds Ratio 95% CI for Exp (B) P

A) Ponds Bti only 2.376 1.926-2.826 0.891 0.679 - 1.169 0.404 0.570 0.364-0.776 0.752 0.475-1.192 0.225
Fish only 3.067 2.604 - 3.505 1.145 0.899 - 1.460 0.272 0.903 0.697-1.109 1.192 0.793-1.791 0.398
Bti -Fish (half) 1.733 1.283-2.183 0.650 0.486 - 0.869 0.004* 0.485 0.279-0.691 0.640 0.405-1.012 0.056*
Fish Once 2.667 2.217-3.117 1.000 0.786 - 1.272 1.000 0.964 0.757-1.170 1.272 0.844 - 1.916 0.250
Bti -Fish (full) 0.867 0.417-1.317 0.325 0.211 - 0.499 0.000* 0.261 0.054-0.467 0.344 0.190 - 0.623 0.000*
Control 2.667 2.217-3.117 1 0.758 0.551-0.964 1

B) Water canals Bti only 0.635 0.115-1.156 0.186 0.120-0.289 0.000* 0.161 0.042-0.365 0.137 0.068-0.278 0.000*
Fish only 1.906 1.386-2.427 0.558 0.374-0.832 0.004* 0.547 0.344-0.750 0.465 0.288-0.750 0.002*
Bti-Fish 0.740 0.219-1.260 0.216 0.143-0.327 0.000* 0.125 0.078-0.328 0.106 0.056-0.200 0.000*
Control 3.417 2.896-3.937 1 1.177 0.974-1.380 1

* shows habitats that are significantly different from the control. EMM = estimated marginal mean; CI = confidence interval; N = number of times sampled; P = significance level at 95%